银屑病关节炎是一种与银屑病相关的终生或慢性疾病,由关节和韧带的炎症和疼痛引起。Psoriatic arthritis occurs when your body's immune system attacks healthy cells and tissue.1
Psoriatic arthritis typically affects the large joints, especially those of the lower extremities, and the small joints of the fingers and toes, and can affect the spine and sacroiliac joints of the pelvis.2 Eyes, tendons, the gastrointestinal system, and nails can also be involved.2
目前尚不清楚银屑病的病因,但可能是由遗传或环境因素(例如压力或感染)引起的。Psoriatic arthritis is also associated with several comorbidities, including obesity and metabolic disease (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver disease, and cardiovascular outcomes), depression, and anxiety.3
Psoriatic arthritis is common in 2% to 4% of Western adults. 20% to 30% of psoriasis patients will develop psoriatic arthritis.4 The disease often appears between the ages of 30 and 50 in both men and women. For many people, it starts about ten years after psoriasis develops, but some develop psoriatic arthritis first or without ever developing or noticing psoriasis.5
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- 1Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2 年 10 月 2021 日)。银屑病性关节炎。梅奥医学中心Retrieved March 16, 2023 Mayo Clinic-Psoriatic Arthritis
- 2a2bPsoriatic arthritis - american college of rheumatology. (n.d.). Retrieved March 16, 2023 Rheumatology.org
- 3Ogdie A, Coates LC, Gladman DD. 银屑病关节炎治疗指南。风湿病学(牛津)。2020 Mar 1;59(Suppl 1):i37-i46. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kez383. PMID: 32159790; PMCID: PMC7065461
- 4Ocampo D V, Gladman D. Psoriatic arthritis. F1000Res. 2019 Sep 20;8:F1000 Faculty Rev-1665. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.19144.1. PMID: 31583079; PMCID: PMC6758836.
- 5National Psoriasis Foundation. (n.d.). 什么是银屑病关节炎 (PSA)?国家银屑病基金会:国家银屑病基金会。Retrieved March 16, 2023 Psoriasis.org
Symptoms1, 2
- 疲劳
- 压痛、疼痛和肿胀
- 手指和脚趾肿胀
- 一个或多个关节僵硬和抽动
- 关节活动减少
- 指甲变化,例如凹陷或与甲床分离
- 眼睛发红和疼痛
没有一种测试可用于诊断银屑病关节炎。The diagnosis is made mostly by your doctor’s observations and by a process of elimination.2
医生将进行身体检查并记录病史。他们还会要求进行 X 光检查、MRI、超声波或 CT 扫描来检查关节损伤情况。
他们还将进行血液检查以评估炎症情况。Blood tests may be done to rule out other types of arthritis that have similar signs and symptoms, including gout, Lyme arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.3
These include tests for C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor (RF).4 People with psoriatic arthritis are almost always RF-negative, so if blood tests are positive for rheumatoid factor, the doctor will suspect rheumatoid arthritis.4
- 1
梅奥医学教育与研究基金会。(2 年 10 月 2021 日)。银屑病性关节炎。梅奥医学中心Retrieved March 16, 2023 Mayo Clinic-Psoriatic Arthritis
- 2a2b
国家银屑病基金会。(日期不详)。什么是银屑病关节炎 (PSA)?国家银屑病基金会:国家银屑病基金会。Retrieved March 16, 2023 Psoriasis.org
- 3
银屑病关节炎 - 美国风湿病学院。(日期不详)。Retrieved March 16, 2023 Rheumatology.org
- 4a4b
银屑病关节炎:症状、诊断和治疗:关节炎基金会。银屑病关节炎:症状、诊断和治疗 | 关节炎基金会。(日期不详)。Retrieved March 16, 2023 Arthritis.org
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Accredo 的银屑病关节炎护理团队致力于为您服务,并且了解您病症的复杂性。我们的特殊培训临床医师每周 7 天、每天 24 小时为您提供服务,以回答您的任何问题。
Accredo 为慢性和复杂病症患者提供支持,并帮助他们过上最好的生活。请观看我们的视频,了解我们为什么为患者尽心尽力。